This book is the outcome of a collective study initiative on the litigation strategies initiated by workers and trade unions in the context of the “gig” economy.
It presents a collection of the contributions discussed in an online seminar held on 7 October 2021, organized by the University of Ba...
This book is the outcome of a collective study initiative on the litigation strategies initiated by workers and trade unions in the context of the “gig” economy.
It presents a collection of the contributions discussed in an online seminar held on 7 October 2021, organized by the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” as a part of the European research project “iRel-Smarter industrial relations to address new technological challenges in the world of work”, coordinated by the Marco Biagi Foundation.
Building on the fruitful and provoking thoughts emerged in the seminar, the various chapters explore all the possible relationships between strategic litigation and legislation, strategic litigation and collective bargaining, strategic litigation and role of the trade unions.
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